CR39 1.499 Uncut flat top bifocal uc lenses
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CR39 1.499 Uncut flat top bifocal uc lenses

  • 1.499 Optical Lens

  • AoGang

  • 9001509900

  • 1.49

  • 70mm

  • CR39/PPG

  • 58

  • 1.32

  • >97%


  • SPH: 0~ -±3.00, ADD: +1.00~ +3.50


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Product Description

                         Index                                                  1.49
                       Diameter                                                 70mm
                       Monomer                                              CR39/PPG
                   Coating Choice                                            UC/HC/HMC
                  Specific Gravity                                                  1.32 
                      Abbe value                                                    58 
                    Transmission                                                 > 97% 
                      Guarantee                                                  5-year
                    Power range

SPH: 0~ -±3.00, ADD: +1.00~ +3.50

Product Description

    round top-1

As people age, they may find that their eyes are not adjusting to distances as they used to. When people inch closer to forty, the lens of the eyes begin to lose flexibility. It becomes difficult to focus on close objects. This condition is called presbyopia. It can be managed to a large extent with the use of bifocals.

Bifocal (also can be called Multifocal) eyeglass lenses contain two or more lens powers to help you see objects at all distances after you lose the ability to naturally change the focus of your eyes due to age.

The lower half of a bifocal lens contains the near segment for reading and other close-up tasks. The rest of the lens is usually a distance correction, but sometimes has no correction at all in it, if you have good distance vision.


When people inch closer to forty, they may find that their eyes are not adjusting to distances as they used to, the lens of the eyes begin to lose flexibility. It becomes difficult to focus on close objects. This condition is called presbyopia. It can be managed to a large extent with the use of bifocals.


Coating Choice


Hard coating: Make the uncoated lenses are easily subjicted andexposed to scratches

AR coating/Hard multi coating: Protect the lens effectively from reflection, enhance functional and charity of your vision

Super hydrophobic coating: Make the lenswaterproof, antistatic, anti slip and oil resistance

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